Narmab Planning and Development Consulting Engineers has considered quality in providing engineering plans for water and sewage facilities as a key factor in achieving the company’s goals.

Company Goals

The directors of Narmab Planning and Development Company, during their years of activity in managing large construction projects, have considered the water and energy crisis to be one of the main bottlenecks of the country in the coming decades, and therefore the main activities of this company are focused on the issue of water in various branches of this industry. to play a small role in solving the problems of our beloved country.


Management and Technical Maintenance

At this stage, according to the needs, management operations, repairs and maintenance of each of the implemented systems are carried out according to the approved periodic checklist and project management and maintenance instructions.

Executive and Workshop Supervision

By planning, coordinating, and controlling a construction project, project management ensures that project objectives are aligned with customer expectations and requirements, and that project deliverables are delivered on time and within budget.

Executive and Workshop Supervision

High supervision and workshop supervision is responsible for checking all technical, executive, financial affairs, payments to the project contractor, and the agents of the supervision department are constantly present at the workshop.

Basic and Detailed Conceptual Studies of Design

A wide range of technical, economic and environmental engineering justification services are provided, and with conceptual studies, the material required for the project is determined in the basic design phase, and detailed studies are provided by defining the scope of work and estimating the implementation of projects.